Category: Home decor

Winter Decorating At Our Fairfield Home & Garden

December now and time to think of outdoor winter decorations to match the season. I dismantled the fall window boxes, keeping the dried seed pods and flowers for crafting and set the pumpkins and gourds behind the shed for feasting by the squirrels. Cut greens from our property line the base of the new window

DIY ~ Thanksgiving Cornucopia

  It’s Thanksgiving time. In addition to having that lovely home-cooked dinner, make a gorgeous centerpiece to complement it! And, if you aren’t the cook this year, this cornucopia of plenty will make the perfect house gift for your hosts. Best of all, you can put this centerpiece together for a fraction of the cost

DIY Project ~ Country Flower Basket

For the last arrangement in TheDCH Floral Workshop series, “The Nose Knows” was the theme. A country basket filled with free form meadow wildflowers, garden cuttings and fragrant florist flowers was created by instructor Brenda Tunis. Incorporating scent into your flower arranging was the focus. Brenda had clipped samples from her own yard for us

DIY Project ~ Repurposed Rakes

  At a recent rummage sale I picked up two vintage bamboo rakes. Of course, Len asked me what I was going to do with them. My standard answer is ,”A project”. So here the project is! A  floppy rose needing  a trellis and some drain pipes I wanted covered gave me the opportunity to

DIY Project ~ Gather Flowers for a May Day Basket!

  May Day Baskets were something we made of construction paper in elementary school back in the day, but I haven’t seen much about them for years. If I get a vote, we should bring this neighborly rite of spring back! Very simple and fun besides: just gather fresh blooms from your spring garden, insert


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