Mid-April ~ Spring Blooms in the garden


Muscari cloche https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/mid-april-spring-blooms-in-the-garden/

Muscari cloche


tiny yellow Violas https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/mid-april-spring-blooms-in-the-garden/

tiny yellow Violas

Here we are in mid-April and spring is in full swing now! Flowering trees, shrubs, bulbs and the fresh green of new leaves are emerging. It has cooled back down into the 50’s and 60’s during the day with cool nights, which is a blessing. Those high temperatures shortened the bloom time of the very early bulbs, but the ones just coming on now might stay a bit longer.

Strolling around the garden this morning revealed a whole new set of wonderful blossoms. Plus, I took a few muscari (grape hyacinths) and made a little vignette with them using a wire cloche. The cloche was a real find on clearance at Home Goods and just needed to come home with me. Warm, sunny days ahead now, so each day will welcome new interest in the garden. Happy Spring to all of my friendly readers!


Spring vignette ~ Muscari https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/mid-april-spring-blooms-in-the-garden/

Spring vignette ~ Muscari

Daffodil fresh from the rain https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/mid-april-spring-blooms-in-the-garden/

Daffodil fresh from the rain


Lilac buds https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/mid-april-spring-blooms-in-the-garden/

Lilac buds


Star Magnolia Bloom https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/mid-april-spring-blooms-in-the-garden/

Star Magnolia Bloom

Muscari ~ Grape Hyacinths https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/mid-april-spring-blooms-in-the-garden/

Muscari ~ Grape Hyacinths

Narcissus "Minnow" https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/mid-april-spring-blooms-in-the-garden/

Narcissus “Minnow”

Oakleaf Hydrangea leaves unfolding https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/mid-april-spring-blooms-in-the-garden/

Oakleaf Hydrangea leaves unfolding


4 Responses so far.

  1. I just adore the little muscari vignette! I must remember it next year, (all my muscari are through blooming now). It’s warm and sunny here, too – although we’re REALLY being hit with the pollen so it makes it hard to enjoy being outside. You have a lot of pretty things blooming.

    • Barb says:

      I appreciate your kind words and visit today! Yes, looks like the pollen count is going to be a doozey this spring ~ everything is blooming at once!
      Happy Gardening!

  2. Lyn Edington says:

    Everything is just lovely! Did you plant the grape hyacinths in the pots last fall? I love the look!

    • Barb says:

      Yes, Lyn, I did hoping for winter blooms to enjoy. But I forgot to prechill the bulbs so they are blooming when all the others are – now! Oh well!
      Happy Gardening,


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