
From late November until May, our garden slips into its winter slumber. These are the hardest months for me, being cooped up waiting for spring to come once again. My seed and plant catalogs are well thumbed, I have reread all our gardening books, and still it is too early to get started outside. Forcing bulbs and buying a florist bouquet now and again keep the winter blues at bay. But now, in the winter, I am so fortunate to have a Garden Room. It was a single bay garage, used for motor repair by the former owner, added to the back of our two car garage. After taking out the garage door, adding two sliding glass doors, two skylights, drywall, paint and tile – we have a sunny spot in the winter for our plants, our critters and ourselves! Come take a peek… See also Spring BloomsSummer Blooms or Fall Blooms.


Forcing spring bulbs on the kitchen windowsill

Shadow, winter houseplants and amaryllis on the kitchen windowsill in December

Orchids in the Garden Room.

Spot to read gardening books and magazines in the Garden Room.

Jasmine, miniature violets and orchids in the Garden Room.

My Garden Room workbench

Newly completed Garden Room



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