About Barb Rosen

Barb Rosen, Our Fairfield Gardener

Welcome to Our Fairfield Home and Garden! I’m Barb Rosen, retired fifth grade teacher, a passionate home gardener, Lab lover and home improvement junkie. Gardening has always been a part of my life from tending the family veggie patch as a kid, nursing windowsill houseplants at college and as a young apartment dweller to finally having  gardens and a home of my own.

Although I am the gardener and handyman at our home, my husband, Len, is my biggest fan and support. He has been known to run out for extra mulch or to the hardware store at a moment’s notice when I am too gross to go out in public and never thinks I’m crazy when I come home with yet another load of plants!

Me and my sweetheart

Except for the large pines and a few foundation bushes, this garden just had its fourth birthday. When we bought the house, most of the yard was covered in ivy or pachysandra.To date, I have lugged about twenty yards of mulch, three pallets of river stone and dug too many holes to count. You don’t want to arm wrestle me. Pulling all that ivy has given me some “guns”!

We share our home with two lovely Labs, Sadie Ann, and Chelsea Sue, and three sweet indoor kitties (Lacey, Shayna, and Shadow). Part of our backyard is the “Frisbie Fly Zone” which is fenced and minimally planted to be dog friendly. All our pets enjoy the gazebo and garden room and are avid bird and squirrel watchers.

Not a horticulturist by any means, I am largely self-taught through years of reading and lots of trial and error. Attending garden lectures, visiting botanical gardens and swapping tips and information with friends have provided a rich and varied education. My own garden and plant knowledge is still constantly developing.  So, join me as I dig in the dirt and try out new projects to decorate inside and out!

Lots of love and thanks to my darling techno-savvy daughter, Meg, who set up this web site for me and has been helping me learn how to navigate it. What a wonderful mother-daughter project this has been!

My family ~ Meg, me, Zach, Len

2 Responses so far.

  1. Lorri says:

    I love reading your posts a seeing what lovely ideas you have come up with

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