Tag: gardening

Garden Musings at Our Fairfield Home & Garden

As I stroll through the garden, I love to note the small evolutions that have taken place from year to year. Letting the lawn grow naturally into predominately clover and violets has been an effort but worthwhile. It took a few years of digging up nut sedge and plantain by hand, but now the clover

Share the Bounty ~ giving back by gardening

Share the Bounty

Growing your own food and indoor plants is a joy for many gardeners. Extend that joy by sharing the bounty with others! Your excess plants can launch a new gardener, supply fresh food for a family or start a lifelong hobby.     It’s not just about food growing, don’t forget the houseplants! Here’s one

Building a Repurposed Windows Greenhouse

Repurposed Windows Greenhouse

It all started with three antique windows. I had no idea why, but at $5 each, they had to come home from that yard sale with me. As my new treasures sat in the basement, my mind started percolating ideas on how to put them to use in our garden. They were too fancy for

DIY ~ Pass-Along Plant Tote

Pass-Along Plant Tote

A good friend of mine just shared some lily divisions from her garden with me and the container she used was such a great idea, I had to share it with you! You probably already have the few materials needed. This handy Pass-Along Plant Tote holds a lot and even has a built-in handle for

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Plants To Consider

Clethra "Ruby Spice"

When posting pictures of my garden, I am often asked questions about some of the more unusual plants. So I thought I would write a quick post about some Plants To Consider as additions to your own garden this coming fall and spring. The beauty of these featured plants is that they are tough, weather-hardy

Pollinator Picnic ~ attracting pollinators to your garden

Pollinator Picnic

There are quite a few ways to attract pollinators to your garden. Native plantings, providing water sources, avoiding pesticides and building nesting sites will help bring and keep pollinators for your plants.   And there are different types of insect pollinators that might surprise you. We mostly think of the Hymenoptera group of bees and

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DIY ~ Chair Planter

DIY ~ Chair Planter

After finding two chairs at the curb, I decided it was time to whip up some chair planters and keep them out of the landfill! Chair planters are one of the easiest garden accents you can make: just a chair, some paint, a jigsaw and a potted plant are all you need. Follow these easy

Curb Appeal ~ Hiding An Eyesore In the Garden

A Country Garden vignette covers the utility boxes!

Although I wouldn’t like to live without the conveniences of gas, electric and cable television, I couldn’t stand the ugly meters and wires on the side of our home. It is a “No Dig Zone” there so the idea of planting a bush was out. Building a lattice structure came to mind, but I wanted

Easy Gardening Tip ~ Planting & Sharing Bulbs

Thalia and Tete-a-Tete Narcissus

     When you are planting bulbs in the fall, do you find yourself scratching your head trying to remember where you needed a few more of this or that? The remedy is actually quick and easy, and I cannot believe it took me all these years of gardening to figure it out! Just plant

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Salvaged ! The 32 Shutter Challenge ~ repurposing shutters in the garden

Shutter Challenge

I had pretty much given up hope on pulling ivy in part of our back garden and resigned myself to just making it look halfway decent with garden accents. Then, last year a neighbor gave me ten shutters and I made two raised garden beds from them. It really worked, a way to garden even


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