Category: Things that inspire me in the garden

DIY Project : Use Repurposed Materials to Create a Bird Bath

Do you need a bird bath but find the price tags at the garden centers don’t fit your wallet? Use what you have at home to create a unique and functional watering station for your feathered friends! Rummaging around in my garden shed, I came up with an old metal step stool, a clay plant

Field Trip: Winterthur’s Faerie Garden at Enchanted Woods

Fairy gardens are all the rage these days, and one of the most wonderful of all, The Enchanted Woods of Winterthur, is near my home in Wilmington, Delaware. See the complete album of pictures from today’s trip on Inspiring Gardens. As you enter the gates, a warning is given to never enter the Forbidden Faerie Ring or

Field Trip: Longwood Gardens in the rain!

Here in the Brandywine Valley we have been praying for rain, and last Saturday it finally came after a two-week hiatus. Of course, the day the clouds opened up was the same day my daughter, Meg, and I had chosen to visit Longwood Gardens. (See complete garden tour picture collection in Inspiring Gardens.) Now, most

Everything, including the kitchen sink!

About three weeks ago, some friends asked if I would stop by and give them some planting ideas. While looking over their newly cleared hill, they mentioned the 1916 kitchen sink taken out of their Victorian house and how it was taking up too much room in the  garden shed. Well, thirty dollars later (and

The “Camp Rosen” firepit DIY project

When we moved into our Fairfield home, we fenced in part of the backyard for our Labs and worried about all the other areas of the property and house that needed attention first. So that part of the backyard has pretty much been overlooked for the past four years other than spreading mulch to keep

Pasta Primavera ~ Elegant but simple dinner to please all ages

What can you make ahead that is cool and light, elegant enough for a couple of “foodies”, yet a  two and a half year old will eat it? Pasta Primavera Salad, cubed watermelon and cupcakes! Our nephew, his wife and little boy were coming for dinner and I knew I would be spending most of

Create your own succulent garden birdbath

There was an old, leaky concrete birdbath left on the property by our home’s former owners and, today, I decided to make it into something beautiful! Lately, I have seen many ideas in gardening magazines and on Pinterest showing an an old birdbath converted into a succulent garden. I already had the birdbath, so I


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