Flower Fairies
Want to have some fun with the kids or grandkids or just amuse yourself on a summer day? Make Flower Fairies to leave around gardens for folks to find! Use a dried poppy seed pod or two and some acorns and fine-tipped permanent pens. Draw little whimsical faces on each one and, then the
DIY ~ A Fairy Merry Christmas!
Last year, I started making little fairies from natural materials gathered from our garden and walks around the neighborhood. They have been put to use as present toppers, plant pokes and little gifts for my friends and family up until recently. But ever since I shared my wee folk in a watercolor class I attend,
DIY Project ~ Fairies for Free!
Fall is here, the perfect time for walks in the woods and in your garden. As you stroll along, pay attention! There are natural materials all around you to make your own little fairies for free. This is such a relaxing activity and perfect for creative play with children. (note: I used hot glue.
DIY Project : Making Fairies from Natural Materials
This morning as I was taking a stroll around the neighborhood and our yard, I gathered little bits of leaves, acorns, monkey balls, sticks and grasses. Since buying fairies for my plants and garden is pretty pricey, I decided I would try my hand at making my own! Plus, the Arden Fair is next Saturday