DIY Project : Making Fairies from Natural Materials

Garden Fairy

monkey ball fairy  … an inexpensive DIY project!

This morning as I was taking a stroll around the neighborhood and our yard, I gathered little bits of leaves, acorns, monkey balls, sticks and grasses.

Since buying fairies for my plants and garden is pretty pricey, I decided I would try my hand at making my own! Plus, the Arden Fair is next Saturday and I wanted something different to contribute to our Garden Gild’s booth.

Make Garden Fairies

natural materials gathered from our yard & neighborhood

First, I decided to make a Pinecone Fairy and assembled the found materials and heated up my hot glue dipping pot. Then I drew a face on a wooden bead and let it dry. I glued the head on first, then placed little hydrangea petals around the neck area. Stick arms and holly leaf wings were attached next . Some grasses were the finishing touches of skirt and hair. Finally, a longer stick was glued to the back of the fairy ‘s body so I could use it as a plant “poke”.

make garden fairies

fine-tipped markers & wooden bead for the head

make garden fairies

materials used to make the pine cone fairy

make garden fairies

pine cone fairy with begonia … la-di-dah

Garden Fairy

pine cone fairy as a plant poke with a begonia in a galvanized steel pot for the Arden Fair

Garden Fairy

another finished pine cone fairy








Now I was on a roll! I used monkey balls as the body and drew little faces on acorns, which became the fairy heads. Ginkgo leaves and disassembled pieces of a pine cone (scales) became wings. I ended up making three pine cone fairies and eight monkey ball fairies to poke into plants I was donating to the Arden Fair Garden Gild Booth.

All this project cost me was a few wooden beads, some hot glue and my time. Another of my “use what you have” ventures that I am very satisfied with! I hope you’ll also create fairies with found natural materials from your yard and have as much fun as I did this morning.

Garden Fairy

grouping of monkey ball fairy “pokes” in cute watering cans with succulents … ready for the Arden Fair

Garden Fairy

materials used to make the monkey ball fairy

Garden Fairy

monkey ball fairy … how adorable

Garden Fairies

finished monkey ball fairies … I decided to make some extra ones just for me!

Fairy Plant Pokes

Fairy Plant Pokes perk up a container planting!

5 Responses so far.

  1. […] glass dish or vase and decorations of your choice. *Note ~ you might want to see my posting about creating your own fairies from natural materials for this […]

  2. Patty Fogg says:

    I too live in Fairfield and am a gardener, remain very interested in your display, very nice and creative.

    • Barb says:

      Thanks for writing, Patty! We live on Fairfield Drive (hence the name Our Fairfield Home & Garden) in Wilmington, Delaware. Happy you are enjoying my posts. Are you in Delaware, Virginia or someplace else all together?

  3. deborah says:

    Love your gardens and your artistic abilities. Obviously an artists eye! ;-)


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