Meet The Garden Charmers ~ Part 3 (Heather, Melissa & Barb)
Last summer, a group of bloggers with diverse backgrounds from far flung locations joined forces to become “The Garden Charmers”. Hailing from all over the US, Canada, as well as Europe, our name is derived from “a charm of birds” meaning a flock, and we all tend and love our gardens. We have really enjoyed getting to know each other as we work on projects together and support one another. So, now it’s your turn to get to know us, too! Meet all The Garden Charmers in this three-part series of mini-interviews. See their most popular posts and where you can find more of their wonderful work!
My blog started out as a way for my family and friends to keep up to date with our new lives in SW Ontario – our new home, garden, plus acclimating to life in a small town versus a big city. It grew from there into a view into our total lives, our DIY projects, my furniture business, sharing recipes and our garden. My favorite topics are gardening, cooking and my home projects along with showing all the furniture items that make up my business.
Most of my readers would be surprised to hear that I spent most of my life in the corporate world travelling from city to city. They would be surprised to hear that we’ve only lived in a small town for two years and that my love for all things domestic has only blossomed since retiring.
My most popular posts so far are :
Here’s where to find me !
I started blogging over 12 years ago (before Blogger existed!) as a hobby and professionally one year ago. Empress of Dirt focuses on creative and frugal home and garden ideas. My favorite topics involve making garden art from thrift shop or curbside finds, so I post a lot of project tutorials. We also live debt-free. It’s a topic I’m passionate about, so that creeps in, too. On a personal level, I enjoy sharing funny stories that have happened to me and don’t mind a bit of embarrassment for the sake of a good laugh.
Readers will be surprised to know that I’ve been a computer geek for a long time. Bought my first PC in 1987 for $3500! I rocked that 640k, baby!
I studied to become a midwife (via nursing school, which was the requirement in those days), but had to stop because my daughter developed a long-term illness that required constant care until her school years. On a lighter note, I once got stuck in a hole in a wall during a job interview:
My most popular posts to date are:
Here’s where to find me !
Empress of Dirt Blog :
Google Plus:
My daughter asked me last year what my plans were for retirement and suggested that I blog about my garden and projects, to which I responded, “What’s a blog?” To make a long story short, my computer-savvy daughter set up my website/blog and taught me how to use it! So this past year has been a real learning curve for this lady, who had just used a computer for school-related work and e-mails! My blog is a little of this and a little of that, lots of garden, birdhouse and flower pictures, some recipes, some home improvement projects and,of course, field trips! (I am a retired teacher and field tripper extraordinaire!)
Flowers and flower gardens are my favorite topics, followed closely by “use what you have” or inexpensive gardening projects and tips that recycle, upcycle and save money but still look great! And, anything to do with birds and birdhouses, which have a way of sneaking into most of my posts.
A few surprising things about me are that I am ambidextrous , I loved teaching middle school math for many years and am a wicked prankster on April Fool’s Day!
My top three most popular posts so far are :
Here’s where to find me !
Our Fairfield Home and Garden’s Blog ~
FaceBook ~
The Garden Charmers on FaceBook ~
HomeTalk ~
Pinterest ~ .
Meet all The Garden Charmers !
Love To garden
I sure am with you on that, Chell ! It is the best activity I can think of!