It’s About Blooming Time ~ Spring Potting Time!


potting bench

Our Fairfield Home & Garden’s vintage potting sink


Well, it’s about blooming time, isn’t it? That was without a doubt one of the longest winters I can remember and I, for one, am glad to finally have spring here again. Even now, the days are deceptively warm and the nights shockingly cold. So, during the day, the herb and vegetable starts come out in the sun to start hardening off but retreat to the covered porch at nightfall to avoid a frost.

Two kinds of basil, parsley, rosemary and cabbage seedlings all await their introduction into the garden. Seeds have been planted in the raised beds of cold hardy greens, carrots, radishes and peas and are just beginning to emerge, little green shoots above the dark earth.

The potting sink has been dressed in her cheery apron skirt and the French bottle dryer pressed into service as a flower pot holder. Sweet smelling stock flowers add some color and scent as I plant seeds and dream of the flowers to come.



potting bench

Ready for spring planting today!

potting bench

Sweet stock and clean pots ready to plant!

potting bench

Aprons held up by clothespins skirt the potting sink!

potting bench

Herbs & vegetable starts outside to harden off.

potting bench

My Spring-time Potting Sink!

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The Garden Charmers share their best tips & ideas to get your spring garden blooming

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3 Responses so far.

  1. Feral Turtle says:

    I love your potting table and the aprons add such a sweet touch!

  2. Barb says:

    Thanks, Amy! That drying rack gets pressed into service for all sorts of purposes!


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