DIY Project ~ Save Money by Creating Your Own Fancy Potted Paperwhites & Amaryllis Bulb Gardens

forcing bulbs

Forcing bulbs is easy !

Last weekend I took an inspiration tour through the nearby Terrain Nursery Store. What a wonderful experience for the senses: freshly cut greens, bulb plantings in gorgeous containers, lovely music playing and plants of every texture and color. But when I read a few price tags, I was quickly jettisoned back to reality! As beautiful as all these arrangements were, they were clearly not in my budget.

So, I set out to create my own version of the Terrain bulb planting I loved that was selling for $125, for $20 or less. First, I dug out a zinc planter I bought at a yard sale this summer for just two dollars. I already had one amaryllis bulb and bought another at a discount store for four dollars. Eight paperwhite bulbs cost a dollar each, and I used potting soil and dried moss I already had on hand. A trip outside yielded the fresh moss and some colorful leaves, and I was ready to plant. You can see the directions and pictures below. My version came out looking fantastic and totaled just $ 14.00 in materials !

Seek inspiration, then use what you have and you’ll have twice the satisfaction.

forcing bulbs

In 4 to 6 weeks or so this lovely moss-filled planter will have tall, lovely flowers and be a beautiful inside winter planter at the dinner table or room accent.

forcing bulbs

In about four weeks this holiday-themed planter will be blooming and smell fantastic!

forcing bulbs

Materials for potting amaryllis & paperwhites in soil : a container, the bulbs, good potting soil and moss (dried and or fresh)

forcing bulbs

place the amaryllis bulbs into the potting soil first

forcing bulbs

Set the amaryllis and paperwhites into the soil

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Fill in with potting soil as shown

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Top off your planter with moss ~ I used a combination of dried and fresh moss and red leaves as an accent until the flowers bloom.

forcing bulbs

Another variation is to pot paperwhites in stones and water : All you need ~ marble chips, a container, three paperwhite bulbs and some Dollar Store accents.

forcing bulbs

All you need ~ marble chips, a container, three paperwhite bulbs and some Dollar Store accents

forcing bulbs

Side view of the planted container, now just add water/alcohol mixture up to the bottom of the bulbs

forcing bulbs

Finished ~ In about three weeks these will be blooming and smell fantastic!



Flowering Holiday Bulbs

More Flowering Holiday Bulbs ~ easy and inexpensive winter blooms! CLICK HERE!

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