Spring Snow ~ March 25th! The Groundhog lied!

Little Bird Woman in the snow https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-snow-march-25th-the-groundhog-lied/

Little Bird Woman in the snow




Here it is March 25th and snowing to beat the band outside! That groundhog lied his head off! But, it is pretty, so I grabbed my camera and went out to capture a few shots of this year’s last snowfall (I hope!)

I must admit that the snow makes a lovely backdrop, even though I am itching for spring!


Tete a Tetes by the back fence https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-snow-march-25th-the-groundhog-lied/

Tete a Tetes by the back fence


Owl in the White Hellebores https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-snow-march-25th-the-groundhog-lied/

Owl in the White Hellebores

Star Magnolia Buds https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-snow-march-25th-the-groundhog-lied/

Star Magnolia Buds

Pink Hellebore in the snow https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-snow-march-25th-the-groundhog-lied/

Pink Hellebore in the snow


Snow Crocus https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-snow-march-25th-the-groundhog-lied/

Snow Crocus


Fairy House for rent https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-snow-march-25th-the-groundhog-lied/

Fairy House for rent

4 Responses so far.

  1. Your photos are gorgeous! I always worry about flowers in the snow. I hope that they’ll be ok. We had snow here yesterday as well – groundhog did lie! I really wish we’d get spring soon! It’s supposed to be warmer here for Easter from what I’ve heard. I just hope that we don’t go straight into summer temps! We get that here in VA at times. Looking forward to seeing more of your gardens when they come into bloom! Take care, Hugs, Leena

    • Barb says:

      Happy Spring, Leena! Thanks for your sweet words. I just have an inexpensive little Power Shot Canon that fits into my pocket, but it has done pretty well. Today the temperatures are back up to the mid-40’s and the four inches of snow we got yesterday is disappearing fast. Everything looks none the worse for the wear, though I do worry a bit about the Star Magnolia – they are tender buds! Stay tuned, this week the spring window boxes are going in : )

  2. Debbie says:

    I can’t believe all the blooms you have already! I was able to finally capture some crocus on ‘film’, but that’s it. Lots of bulbs have sprouted, but no buds yet. Which is a good thing, we have lots of winter weather yet to come…bad groundhog.
    Debbie :)

    • Barb says:

      The weather is becoming more seasonal after that freak snowstorm and should be almost 60 degrees by the weekend, Debbie! Hopefully, I’ll be able to start some garden cleanup while I am on Spring Break!


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