Our Summer Potting Sink


potting sink in her summer skirts

potting sink in her summer skirts

Can I just tell you how much I love our vintage potting sink? I dress her up for the seasons and special holidays and, as I come down the garden path and she comes into view, I smile every time. You see, my sink is a girl !

Today I took the Americana Fourth of July decorations down and replaced her summer outfit. Three cute gingham and applique half-aprons found at yard sales create the sink skirting which conceals a five-gallon bucket and recirculating pump housed there. Since we are having quite a heat wave, I moved heat-tolerant succulents from other spots in the garden to be this month’s stars. One succulent I tucked , pot and all, into an old colander and wired it in. Dried Spanish moss hides the wire and lends a finished look. To water it, I’ll take the whole piece down and put it right side up.

Knick-knacks from the shed and garden room become accessories, and I fire up the pump (the sink is conveniently next to an outdoor electrical outlet). A soft trickle of water flows out the faucet, enticing birds from all over the yard.

See our potting sink in some of her other “outfits” by following the links below:




Sink as water feature

Sink as water feature ~ plastic tubing was threaded up through the faucet

Birdhouse in a wire basket

Birdhouse in a wire basket

succulent planted in a colander

succulent planted in a colander

The sink dribbles into a bowl. water goes down the drain into a bucket below which holds the recirculating pump.

The sink dribbles into a bowl, water goes down the drain into a bucket below which holds the recirculating pump.


aprons serve as

aprons serve as the potting sink’s skirts

Sink as water feature

Sink as water feature ~ water trickles into the bowl, overflows and runs down the drain into the bucket below

Summer Potting Sink

Our Summer Potting Sink

8 Responses so far.

  1. Debbie says:


    I enjoy your creativity. You give me lots of ideas.


    • Barb says:

      Watch out, Debbie!! Those “ideas” will get you in trouble ~ have you hauling home other people’s junk and doing crazy things in your yard : )
      Happy Gardening!

  2. Megan says:


  3. lynnh96005 says:

    I’ve saved my old sink for just such a purpose but cannot decide where to place it. :D Love the way you’ve decorated the area.

    • Barb says:

      Hi! Lynn,
      Great to hear you have the sink ~ that’s hard to come by for many folks! If you want to make it into a water feature as I did, you will want it to be near an outdoor outlet. That helped me figure it out at our house!
      Have fun,

  4. Debbie Fletcher says:

    I enjoy and would like to continue following you Barb. I enjoy you and your information on Hometalk Gardening too!

    • Barb says:

      Terrific, Debbie! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment too : )
      Happy Gardening,


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