Spring Fling! Our Fairfield Home and Garden’s Windowboxes


 For several weeks, our front porch has been the holding place for my gathering of spring bulbs, just waiting for the days to warm. Hardening off and adjusting to cool nights in a protected area have kept the blooms from bolting. Finally spring has arrived and I can start working in the garden again.

At the top of my list is always dressing up our three windowboxes. Once they are prettied up, the spring season has officially arrived!

Birdhouse Themed Spring Windowbox https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-fling-our-fairfield-home-and-gardens-windowboxes/

Birdhouse Themed Spring Windowbox



 Blue and yellow are a favorite combination of mine and wonderful for a container planter. Pots of flowers are set into soil and topped with straw for easy change-outs as the season progresses. All the plants are then incorporated into our garden.

Signs of spring in a windowbox https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-fling-our-fairfield-home-and-gardens-windowboxes/

Signs of spring ~ birds, flowering bulbs, pansies, pussy willow branches, ivy, a nest and a birdhouse!

 For Valentine’s Day, my sweet hubby gave me two pretty, new birdhouses. They became the main accents in these spring windowboxes surrounded by flowering bulbs and nests I had found. This thatched birdhouse is the larger of the two. Isn’t it wonderful?

Blue Birdhouse in a spring windowbox. https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-fling-our-fairfield-home-and-gardens-windowboxes/

This blue birdhouse adds color and interest to the windowbox.

 A few years ago, I bought a bunch of Pussy Willow branches for a spring container I was making. Placed in wet soil, they grew roots and I planted my new little plants in the garden when I changed the display. Now there are two shrubs that produce all the Pussy Willow branches I need each spring for decorating inside and out.

Watering Can and Birdhouse Windowbox https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-fling-our-fairfield-home-and-gardens-windowboxes/

A vintage watering can, spring blooms, a birdhouse and real nest make a wonderful bird-themed windowbox.

 Mid-season Daffodils are biding their time in the containers flanking the garage. Adding Primroses and Pansies and keeping the Redtwig Dogwood branches from the winter display maintain color here until they make their debut.

Pansies, Primroses and Redtwig Dogwood Branches https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-fling-our-fairfield-home-and-gardens-windowboxes/

Pansies, Primroses and Redtwig Dogwood Branches in a planter flanking our garage.

 I always like to change out the little windowbox by our kitchen door, too. That little bit of color adds interest to our most frequently used entrance and says “Welcome”.

Some of the plants in these early spring windowboxes will be done blooming in a few weeks. Then I will change the pots out, keeping cheery blooms for all to enjoy!

Kitchen windowbox with Hyacinth, Tete a Tete Daffodils and wooden birds https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-fling-our-fairfield-home-and-gardens-windowboxes/

Kitchen Windowbox with Hyacinth, Tete a Tete Daffodils and wooden birds

For more spring windowbox ideas, take a look at some of our past displays!

A Collection of Spring Windowboxes https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/spring-windowboxes/

A Collection of Spring Windowboxes from Our Fairfield Home and Garden



5 Responses so far.

  1. TwoPlusCute says:

    They are all perfect!

    How cute is that he bought you birdhouses for Valentine’s?! Awww.

  2. chris aka monkey says:

    as always love your window boxes and love love your valentines present they are awesome xx

    • Barb says:

      Thanks, Chris! So glad you liked the new windowbox combinations! I agree, that sweet man of mine sure knows what I like!

  3. Love the bird house! Do the birds use it while it is in the window? Do birds nest in your window boxes? And one more thing – I have trouble with squirrels taking over my bird houses. They eat around the openings to make them bigger and then do whatever they do – nest? store food? stay out of the rain?

    • Barb says:

      Hi, Karen!
      I haven’t had any birds nest in the windowbox birdhouses (at least not yet!). They are fairly low to the ground though, maybe not prime real estate for birds! I have had squirrels in a few of my birdhouses and bought special-sized opening covers to screw in to deter them. They are metal, hopefully it will keep them from chewing out the “front doors”! Just put them on the houses during fall clean-out, so I’ll have to report back on how effective they are!


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