June Garden ~ Our Fairfield Home & Garden

June garden https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/june-garden-our-fairfield-home-garden/

June Garden ~ Our Fairfield Home & Garden






June is here and now the growing season is moving along nicely. No more fits and starts. The days are warm and plants are fairy bursting from the ground! I start each early morning with coffee on the front porch, surveying the garden, serenaded by birds. Yesterday, I caught sight of a handsome fox racing across the yard and into the treeline. What a treat!

Deutzia’s soft fragrance wafts over the garden on the spring breeze. Baby wrens are fledging hesitantly at their mother’s urging from a birdhouse onto the nearest tree branch. They teeter-totter to gain their balance, chirping wildly the whole while.  Showers last night intensified every color, illuminating each leaf and flower. Late spring in the garden is a magical time.

Come along on a quick tour. I’ll share with you some of the beauty I began the day with!


Garden bench https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/june-garden-our-fairfield-home-garden/

Front garden bench

Pink Columbine https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/june-garden-our-fairfield-home-garden/

Pink Columbine

cat in the window https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/june-garden-our-fairfield-home-garden/

Our Shadow in the window watching the birds!

Zinnia https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/june-garden-our-fairfield-home-garden/

Zinnia Bloom

Wisteria blooms https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/june-garden-our-fairfield-home-garden/

Wisteria blooms in the birdbath

Fairy Rose https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/june-garden-our-fairfield-home-garden/

Fairy Rose



Clematis https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/june-garden-our-fairfield-home-garden/

Clematis “Jack Manii”

Pink Clematis https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/june-garden-our-fairfield-home-garden/

Pink Clematis


Spiderwort https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/june-garden-our-fairfield-home-garden/

Spiderwort “Sweet Kate”


Lonicera https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/june-garden-our-fairfield-home-garden/

Lonicera ~ Hummingbird Vine

Fleabane https://ourfairfieldhomeandgarden.com/june-garden-our-fairfield-home-garden/

Fleabane ~ native aster


10 Responses so far.

  1. Linda Deso says:

    Wow you have so many lovely flowers blooming already. I am still waiting, can’t wait. You have a lovely garden Barb.

    • Barb says:

      Thanks for stopping in, Linda! It took a while, but things are popping now! I appreciate your sweet note : )

  2. Helen Malandrakis says:


  3. Caroline says:

    Barb, I always love touring your gardens. I am still fighting weeds in mine, but working away at it a couple hours a day. Sun/heat is not kind to me,but I love gardening. Your gardens are beautiful.

    • Barb says:

      Hi, Caroline! Have you tried the old layered newspapers and mulch trick to keep down the weeds? I always go outside early in the day because the heat gets to me too!

  4. Denise Leinicke says:

    Beautiful! Still love the bench vignette.

    • Barb says:

      Thanks, Denise! I put the bench in the flower bed when the garden was looking sparse in early spring. Loving it there, it may stay!

  5. Lorri says:

    I love all your pictures of your gardens through the seasons…..and you know all the names of your plants!!!!! Wow!!!¡!

    • Barb says:

      Thanks for your visit, Lorri! I know all the common names of our plantings, but am still working on learning the Latin !


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