Rake Bird Buffet
Besides the three regular bird feeders I keep filled year-round, I decided to prepare a bird buffet feeding station. So, out to the garden shed I went to root around until I came up with an idea. And, there it was, a rake head with lots of prongs to hold bird goodies galore. Into the Garden Room for some ribbon to hang it, and a quick trip to the kitchen and I was ready to set up a deluxe birdie spread. I skewered some halved tangerines, apples, bread and suet cakes onto the rake prongs. There was even room to hang the new peanut feeder Len bought me! Loaded up and ready for customers, I hung my rake bird buffet up on a tree where I’ll be able to keep watch on the customers and refill as needed. Not bad for a no-cost way to attract and feed the winter birds, wouldn’t you say?
skewered fruit, bread, suet and a hanging peanut feeder will satisfy many different guests
Close-up of the rake bird feeder