DIY Project : Spring Windowbox Time!

Spring Windowbox

Spring Windowboxes to start the season!

At long last, Spring! Bird song heralds the day’s start. Crocus, snowdrops and tete a tete daffodils are blooming, seemingly overnight, after only a warm day or two. To celebrate the beginning of spring, I like to change out the winter windowboxes to early spring blooms.

My secrets revealed, I don’t actually plant in soil! Layered with some old hay and moss to retain moisture, plants in pots are placed in position and then easy to switch out as the season progresses. Small plants have a sandwich bag slipped over their bottoms and are inserted in a prettier clay pot. As the blooms finish, they will be relocated to the garden and make our yard lovelier every year.

Nearby our home, we have a wonderful place called Produce Junction, where I find most of these spring beauties. For about twenty dollars a windowbox, I can purchase all the flowers already in bloom. Ruffled pansies, cyclamen, daffodils, tulips, heather, primroses and ivy were my plant choices this trip. Except for the few annuals, each year these plants will continue to fill in the flowerbeds and bring spring color to our landscape.

Select a theme and make your windowboxes lush so they can be easily seen from the street for all to enjoy. My idea this year was to have a basket spilling over surrounded by potted flowers. And, of course, there has to be a bird or two! Take a peek and tell me what you think!



spring windowbox

Spring windowbox filled with spring bulbs and flowers.

spring windowbox

Spring windowbox detail : primrose, pansies, tulips, heather, cyclamen, daffodils, ivy and hyacinths.

spring windowbox

Spring windowbox with basket, clay pots & spring blooms.

Spring windowbox

Spring Windowbox with basket, clay pots and spring blooms.


Kitchen Windowbox with primroses and wooden hummingbird accents.

spring window box

Spring windowbox with geraniums, salvia, ivy, pansies and cyclamen.

See last year’s windowboxes here!

spring windowboxes

DIY ~ Spring Windowboxes

spring window box

Catch Spring Fever here!



6 Responses so far.

  1. Sue says:

    Love this idea!!! Where did you get the birds?

    • Barb says:

      Hi, Sue! Those cute little metal cut-out birds were $1.99 each at our local Home Depot! I thought they were just what I needed !
      Happy Gardening!

  2. Lor says:

    Cute, cute, cute!! As usual! Got to love that Produce Junction. I think they are in more towns than just ours, aren’t they? xo -Lor

    • Barb says:

      Thanks, Lor! I hope there are lots more Produce Junctions for all the gardeners and decorators out there! Happy Spring!

  3. jamala says:

    Those look absolutely lovely!


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