Garden Walk ~ My Summer Garden

Click here to explore more charming gardens!

Click here to explore more charming gardens!

Summertime and the living is easy! Well, not really if you are a gardener! Summer is time to weed and dig and plant, tie up vines, turn the compost pile and harvest veggies. Do you see all those cute benches in our garden? I hardly ever get to land on one unless it is to drink some water before I get up for the next chore. But I wouldn’t have it any other way because, for me, it is more about the process than the product. Digging in the dirt, watching plants grow from seed, making a garden accent from yard-sale finds just gives me a charge nothing else can. So, who cares if the mosquitoes are as big as birds, that it’s 90 + degrees and the air is wet with humidity? Outside is where I want to be until my hubby throws a net over me and drags me back in at dark!

front shady garden bed

front shady garden bed

Scene from our porch swing as I have my morning coffee!

Scene from our porch swing as I have my morning coffee!

planted wheelbarrow

Wheelbarrow planted with Lantana & Creeping Jenny!

front perennial island bed

front perennial island bed



Stargazer Lily

Stargazer Lily

Sum & Substance

Sum & Substance

Campanula Glomerata

Campanula Glomerata

back by the garden shed

back by the garden shed

summer window box

summer window box

the back gate arbor

the back gate arbor

Black-eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan

Rudbeckia Maxima

Rudbeckia Maxima

Day Lily

Day Lily

driveway flowerbed

driveway flowerbed

coneflower & pollinators

coneflower & pollinators

Yellow Daylily

Yellow Daylily

Campanula "Elizabeth"

Campanula “Elizabeth”

Rose of Sharon

Rose of Sharon

barrel & galvanized tub container water gardens

barrel & galvanized tub container water gardens

July & August are the time to buy discounted plants!

July & August are the time to buy discounted plants!

Our Fairfield Home and Garden

Our Fairfield Home and Garden

Click here to explore more charming gardens!

Click here to explore more charming gardens!

17 Responses so far.

  1. […] Barb Rosen’s front perennial island bed. Click here for the garden tour! […]

  2. Absolutely gorgeous. I really like the water pots and the patio shot. Very well done.

    • Barb says:

      Grace, I just love my water garden tubs too! We have small children in the neighborhood and I don’t dare have a pond! But this is the next best thing as far as I am concerned! Thanks so much for coming by and taking the tour today!
      Happy Gardening!

  3. goosegrove says:

    Barb- love the textures in your garden! The shade bed is really impressive! You’ve got the cutest birdhouses- I am envious! One can tell you put much thought into the choices!

    • Barb says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Goose Grove! I do try to choose a variety of leaf colors and textures for the shady flowerbed to keep things interesting. This is also where some of my houseplants , like the clivias, go on “summer vacation. The clivias provide the pretty orange flowers.
      Happy Gardening!

  4. Jo Nosbisch says:

    Loved the view :) So different from an Iowa view:)

    • Barb says:

      Thanks for taking a stroll through our garden, Jo ! Isn’t it fun how different gardens are all around the various regions of our country and the world?
      Happy Gardening!

  5. AnnMarie says:

    Your constant hard work has paid off!! It is gorgeous and you need to be featured in a magazine!!

    • Barb says:

      WOW!, AnnMarie!! What a wonderful comment to start off my day! Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice note.
      Happy Gardening!

  6. Jacki says:

    *sigh* your garden is so beautiful, Barb – I’m envious…

    • Barb says:

      Thanks, Jacki! The rainy spring and summer and cooler weather have really made for extra lush gardens here this year! Last August, it was high 90’s and sweltering with a drought. That’s the thing about gardening ~ you never know what the growing season will be like!
      Happy Gardening!

  7. Linda says:

    I have to agree with Grace. Love all of your gardens though.

    • Barb says:

      Thanks, Linda! The water tub gardens are favorites of mine too, but I must admit, my favorites change daily : )
      Happy Gardening!

  8. Mary says:

    How do you keep Mosquitos from forming in the water tub gardens?

    • Barb says:

      Hi, Mary ~ I use mosquito dunks in my water tubs once a month. You can purchase them at garden centers and they are not harmful to fish or wildlife. Thanks for coming by and your good question!
      Happy Gardening!

  9. Patty says:

    Barb, your gardens are absolutely beautiful. I have 12 gardens around my home quite similar to yours. Taking the tour of your gardens has really inspired me to make a few changes here and there. I too am a birdhouse, birdbath and bird feeder junkie. I have many around my property and enjoy watching the bird (and the squirrel) antics throughout the year. I love your DIY projects and have made the step stool bird bath which the birds love to splash around in. Keep inspiring with your great ideas and gardens!

    • Barb says:

      How lovely to hear from you, Patty! So nice to know that your birds are enjoying your creations in the flowerbeds and birdbaths too!
      Happy Gardening,


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