Category: Field Trip

Newark Garden Tour ~ 2013

Yesterday, June 8th, was the Newark Garden Tour sponsored by the Newark Arts Alliance. Fourteen amazing gardens were open for visiting and made for a day of inspiration. This diverse collection of gardens covered the gamut from vegetable gardens, habitat gardens, sculpture gardens, water gardens, to sunny and shade gardens. There was definitely something for

Field Trip : Gourds Galore and Norman, the Pot-Bellied Pig, at Marini’s Market

If you’re in a funk that summer is over and want to get in the mood for Fall, drop in to Marini’s Market on Veale Road in North Wilmington, Delaware! Their official mascot, Norman, will grunt a hello and ask for a scratch behind his ears before you do your shopping. Fond of dog cookies,

Field Trip : Join Me on a Taste Test of Wild & Ornamental Plants at TheDCH

If I ever land on “Survivor”, I want Aubree Davis by my side to reveal what wild things are good to eat! A life-long naturalist who works for the American Public Gardens Association, Aubree can create a feast out of roots, seed pods and weeds that you wouldn’t believe! Not only did she tell us


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